Partially Set Up Development Environment

In certain cases, it is unnecessary to install all dependencies as well as the pre-commit hook. For example, this can speed up the setup process in CI/CD.

Minimal installation

Install the project in editable mode with only the necessary dependencies, which is useful for scenarios like deployment.

make install

Documentation generation

Install the project in editable mode with dependencies related to doc, recommended for scenarios like the documentation generation CI/CD process.

make dev-doc

Lint check

Install the project in editable mode with dependencies related to lint, recommended for scenarios like the lint CI/CD process.

make dev-lint

Package build

Install the project in editable mode with dependencies related to package, recommended for scenarios like the package CI/CD process.

make dev-package


Install the project in editable mode with dependencies related to test, recommended for scenarios like the test CI/CD process.

make dev-test


To install dependencies for doc and lint, use the following command:

make dev-doc,lint