Release Process¶
With the integration of semantic-release, the release process is fully automated. To enable this, follow the settings for Renovate and semantic-release. Besides, adhering to the Commit Message Pattern is strongly recommended to ensure the release process works as expected.
Release Configuration¶
The release configuration is located in the root directory of the project:
"plugins": [
"releaseRules": [
"breaking": true,
"release": "major"
"type": "build",
"release": false
"type": "chore",
"release": false
"type": "ci",
"release": false
"type": "docs",
"release": false
"type": "feat",
"release": "minor"
"type": "fix",
"release": "patch"
"type": "perf",
"release": "patch"
"type": "refactor",
"release": false
"type": "revert",
"release": "patch"
"type": "style",
"release": false
"type": "test",
"release": false
"scope": "*major-release*",
"release": "major"
"scope": "*minor-release*",
"release": "minor"
"scope": "*patch-release*",
"release": "patch"
"scope": "*no-release*",
"release": false
"presetConfig": {
"types": [
"type": "build",
"section": "Build"
"type": "chore",
"section": "Chores"
"type": "ci",
"section": "Continuous Integration"
"type": "docs",
"section": "Documentation"
"type": "feat",
"section": "Features"
"type": "fix",
"section": "Bug Fixes"
"type": "perf",
"section": "Performance"
"type": "refactor",
"section": "Refactor"
"type": "revert",
"section": "Reverts"
"type": "style",
"section": "Styles"
"type": "test",
"section": "Tests"
"preset": "conventionalcommits"
Based on this configuration, the following trigger rules apply:
A major release is triggered by a ‘BREAKING CHANGE’ or ‘BREAKING-CHANGE’ in the footer or has a
scope.A minor release is triggered when the commit type is
or has aminor-release
scope.A patch release is triggered when the commit type is
or has apatch-release
scope.No release is triggered if the commit type is any other type or has a
Commit message examples¶
Major release¶
feat: drop Python 3.8 support BREAKING CHANGE: drop Python 3.8 support
chore(major-release): a major release
Minor release¶
feat: add an awesome feature
chore(minor-release): a minor release
Patch release¶
fix: fix a silly bug
perf: performance improvement for the core
refactor: refactor the base module
revert: revert a buggy implementation
chore(patch-release): a patch release
No release¶
feat(no-release): a feature that should not trigger a release
fix(no-release,core): a fix that should not trigger a release, but with more scopes
Release Tasks¶
The release process includes the following tasks:
Generate a changelog from unreleased commits.
Publish a new GitHub Release and semantic version tag.
Build and publish the documentation to GitHub Pages.
Build and publish the Python package to the configured package repository.
Build and publish the Development and Production Containers with the build cache to GitHub Packages.
The Production Container is tagged as<PYTHON_VERSION>
for the latest version<PYTHON_VERSION>-<PROJECT_VERSION>
for archives.The Development Container is tagged as<PYTHON_VERSION>
for the latest version<PYTHON_VERSION>-<PROJECT_VERSION>
for archives.The build cache for the Development Container is tagged as<PYTHON_VERSION>
Generate a changelog from unreleased commits.
Publish a new GitLab Release and semantic version tag.
Build and publish the documentation to GitLab Pages.
Build and publish the Python package to the configured package repository.
Build and publish the Development and Production Containers with build cache to GitLab Container Registry.
The Production Container is tagged as<PYTHON_VERSION>
for the latest version<PYTHON_VERSION>-<PROJECT_VERSION>
for archives.The Development Container is tagged as<PYTHON_VERSION>
for the latest version<PYTHON_VERSION>-<PROJECT_VERSION>
for archives.The build cache for the Development Container is tagged as<PYTHON_VERSION>